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FinaToken & FinaSwap

Swap, Stake, Farm, Lend and Borrow all in one place! FinaSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that leverages automated market-making (AMM) and yield farming mechanisms on the following blockchains.

Launch date FinaToken: End of January 2022!
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FinaToken Tokenomics


The FinaToken $FNA is the farming and governance token for the FinaSwap platform. FinaSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that leverages automated market-making (AMM) and yield farming mechanisms on several blockchains.










Treasury / Development fund
The treasury and development fund ensures the project’s sustainability. 43M FNA of the supply is allocated for the treasury and development fund.

Initial Dex Offering
Our goal is to raise funds through an IDO (Initial Dex Offering). These funds will enable us to extend our platform, roll out our marketing activities, and list FinaToken on new exchanges. 50M FNA of the supply is allocated for the Initial Dex Offering.

FinaToken Tokenomics

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The FinaSwap protocol is governed and upgraded by FNA token-holders, using three distinct components; the FNA token, governance module, and Timelock. Together, these contracts allow the community to propose, vote, and implement changes through the administrative functions. Proposals can modify system parameters, support new markets, or add entirely new functionality to the protocol.

FinaToken will be minted on the Binance Smart Chain. For the first 830,000 blocks (about 28 days), 100 FNA will be minted per block to incentivize early adopters of the protocol. For each subsequent block number after that period, 20 FNA are created. Newly minted FNA are distributed (minus 10% development allocation) among everyone providing liquidity to the protocol:

FinaToken Tokenomics

Liquidity mining phase
For the first 830,000 blocks (about 28 days), 100 FNA will be minted per block. These are being distributed to anyone staking FinaSwap LP tokens from certain approved pools.

After the liquidity mining phase, 20 FNA will be minted per block. These will be distributed among finaSwap LP token holders (i.e., the protocol’s liquidity providers).

10% of the newly minted FNA in the Liquidity mining phase will be burned!

Different liquidity pools have different weights, such that some will receive a greater portion of newly minted tokens than others. This pool weight is flexible and can be changed via a governance vote or when new pools are added to the protocol.


Obtaining liquidity is crucial for a DEX. Early Liquidity Providers will enjoy a bonus reward in the first 28 days. The bonus reward phase will result in higher inflation for the first year. After the first year, inflation will drop dramatically to 8.7% in ten years.

Every year the supply will raise with 189,216,000 FinaTokens. In the second year the inflation will drop to 32%. In the third year to 22%. After five years the inflation is droppped to 15%.

FinaToken Inflation


FinaSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that leverages automated market-making (AMM) and yield farming mechanisms on the following blockchains.

Finalounge xFNA Staking Pools & Farms Lending & borrowing
Blockchain ETH
Blockchain Harmony
Binance Smart Chain
Blockchain Moonriver
Blockchain Arbitrum
Blockchain OKeX
Blockchain Celo
Blockchain Polygon Matic
Polygon (Matic)
Blockchain Fantom
Blockchain xDai
Blockchain Avalanche
Blockchain HECO
Blockchain Palm
FinaSwap Lending and Borrowing

Finalounge & xFNA Staking

For every swap on the exchange on every chain, 0.05% of the swap fees are distributed as FNA proportional to your share of the FinaLounge. When your FNA is staked into the FinaLounge, you receive xFNA in return for voting ights and a fully composable token that can interact with other protocols. Your xFNA is continuously compounding, when you unstake you will receive all the originally deposited FNA and any additional from fees.

The FinaLounge allows you to stake your FNA and receive xFNA in return and then you stake it in the xFNA pool. When users make trades on the FinaSwap Exchange a 0.3% fee is charged. 0.05% of this fee is added to the FinaLounge pool in the form of LP tokens for the relative pool. When the rewards contract is called (minimum once per day) all the LP tokens are sold for FNA (on FinaSwap Exchange). The newly purchased FNA is then divided up proportionally between the xFNA holders in the pool, meaning their xFNA is now worth more FNA.

Pools & Farms

FinaSwap pools allow liquidity providers to add their tokens to liquidity pools. When they do so they will receive FLP tokens (Finaswap Liquidity Provider tokens) for example if a user deposited $FNA and $ETH into a pool they would receive FNA-ETH FLP tokens. These tokens represent a proportional share of the pooled assets, allowing a user to reclaim their funds at any point.

The FinaFarm allows users to yield farm FNA rewards with each new block based on staking FLP tokens they received from the FinaSwap pools.

Lending & borrowing

FinaBank is a lending and margin trading platform, built on the FinaVault, that allows for anyone to create customized and gas-efficient markets for lending, borrowing, and collateralizing a variety of DeFi tokens, stable coins, and synthetic assets. FinaBank’s broad diversity of tokens is dupported through the use of a unique isolated market framework. Unlike traditional DeFi money markets where high-risk assets can introduce risk to the entire protocol, in FinaBank, each market is entirely separate similar to the FinaSwap DEX), meaning the risk of assets within one lending market has no effect over the risk of another lending market.



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* After launch FinaToken will be available on Txbit Exchange, StakeCube, PanCakeSwap and FinaSwap.